The Friends of the Venice Library's mission
is to support the programs & activities of the Venice Branch Library in the L.A. Public Library system.
We raise funds and provide essential materials for an array of library services:
• To purchase books including e-books, audiobooks and other media for the branch's collection
• Purchase furniture or equipment, such as the audio/visual system in the Jon David Waldron Community Room
• Sponsor various programs featuring guest lecturers, performers and other artists
• To purchase books including e-books, audiobooks and other media for the branch's collection
• Purchase furniture or equipment, such as the audio/visual system in the Jon David Waldron Community Room
• Sponsor various programs featuring guest lecturers, performers and other artists
A sample of programs we fully fund or supplement:
- Exercise Classes: Yoga & Pilates Book Clubs Chess Club and Tournaments Gardening Workshops
- Winter/Summer Reading Incentives and Finale Events Family Arts & Crafts Total Eclipse Party
- Musical Performances Piano lessons Art Immersion Workshop Harry Potter Book Party